If you have ever had any kind of interaction with an atheist/materialist/skeptic, etc., one of the things they hang their hat on is that evolution is a “fact.” Darwin was a genius, and only a benighted, troglodyte, imbecile would argue with the scientific “consensus.” Funny thing about the “consensus,” though, is that the “science” upon which is hangs is in a shambles. The only place where neo-Darwinian evolution is a “fact” is in the minds of the secular cultural elites who are committed a priori to a worldview that claims the material is all that exists. For Christians, and their children, the most fundamental “fact” of existence is that God is the creator of all that exists. It is affirmed all throughout the Bible from the very fist verse of Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The reason secularists are so passionately committed to neo-Darwinian evolution is because they believe it’s the most effective way to rid the world of the necessity of a creator.

A couple pieces I read recently confirmed for me just how empty, and dangerous, the concept of Darwin’s evolution is. Michael Engor at Evolution News says that Darwinism is a religion “with the reverence and fervor of a cult.” He adds the damning truth of the implications of Darwinian evolution:

And that is the meaning of Darwinism. This worthless science, idiot philosophy, and cultural rot is the creation myth of atheists, and homage is paid, as a duty, to the prophet and to his priests. Darwinian idolatry would be funny, if not for the trail of misery and horror Darwin left in his wake. 

As Dostoevsky rightly stated in The Brothers Karamazov (1880), “If God does not exist, everything is permitted.” This is so obviously true, that it’s almost funny to see in the history of philosophy and ideas people try to deny it. If there is no God, on what basis could they claim right and wrong, good and evil exist? If all human beings are, in one of my favorite phrases, lucky dirt, then they have no more moral value than dirt. The mass carnage of the 20th century is a perfect illustration of the religion of Darwinism and its implications, most of it driven by godless madmen.

The other piece I refer to, by Douglas Wilson, points to the reason Darwin is embraced so emphatically by the enemies of God. It goes back to Genesis 3 and the temptation by Satan that we could be “like God, knowing good and evil.”

Darwinism is not simply an error. It is not an understandable mistake. It is not a reasonable theory that has one unfortunate downside, that condition of happening not to be true. No, Darwinism is incoherent, disordered, and jumbled. It really is ludicrous, risible, and stupid. Moreover it is the kind of stupidity that rises to the greatest heights of stupidity, in that smart people are peculiarly attracted to it. What we call smart people are often very vain and conceited people, and they do not want God over them. And rather than submit to the wisdom of God, they will go for anything.

Well said in his own inimitable Wilsonian way, without nuance. And no nuance is required, nor should it be given. The more we know about the true structure of reality, the more science reveals the astounding information rich complexity of nature, the more obvious it becomes that it simply cannot be accounted for by mindless, random processes like natural selection and random mutation. Darwin and his ideas are dead even if his acolytes refuse to admit it.

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