The Wedding Supper of the Lamb, and My Daughter’s Wedding

The Wedding Supper of the Lamb, and My Daughter’s Wedding

We had the incredible privilege last weekend of enduring the traumatic experience of hosting our daughter’s wedding. Until one actually does such a thing, you have no idea the insanity of such an undertaking, but the blessings and memories among the all the craziness are priceless. You get to spend time with family and friends you rarely see, or haven’t seen for a very long time, and giving your only daughter away to an incredible young man before them is worthy of all the tears. Not to mention that everyone together gets to witness one of the most profound mysteries of human existence: the marriage of one man and one women “till death us do part.” (more…)

Mommy, Mommy! Watch Me!

Mommy, Mommy! Watch Me!

Human nature is one of the most powerful apologetics for the veracity of the Christian faith. What else can explain so well the glory and mess that is humanity, but that man was made perfect in God’s image, a glorious creature capable of the most exquisite heights, who then rebelled and fell into a self-centered morass that brings him lower than the animals. Remember this fundamental fact of human existence: something must explain the conundrum of human nature, or explain it away. As I never tire of telling my children, and anyone else who will listen, if people reject the Christian explanation of things, they must offer an alternative explanation. If they don’t or refuse, they are not to be taken seriously.


Now I lay me down to sleep . . . Teaching Death to our Children

Now I lay me down to sleep . . . Teaching Death to our Children

I grew up as I think of it as a typical Catholic of the 60s and 70s. We attended Mass every Sunday, I went to Catechism, and did my first Communion and Confirmation. Otherwise, our faith was not particularly relevant to the rest of our lives. But my mother did pray with me when I was a child, and I very well remember the “Now I lay me down to sleep” prayer. In 2019 America this might be considered child abuse, so completely has our culture abandoned its Christian roots. Here is the first part of the prayer, and the part I remember praying:

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.
If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.
