My Take on Kanye: A Profound Cultural Moment

My Take on Kanye: A Profound Cultural Moment

Most people are familiar with the name of Kanye West, even if they think it an infamous one. After all, he’s married to a Kardashian, and with that comes a cultural ubiquity of not the best sort, at least from a Christian perspective. Plus I’ve always thought of him as kind of strange, and an egomaniac to boot. Now he claims a conversion to Christianity, and in Kanye fashion isn’t keeping quiet about it. Much Internet ink is being spilled with a distinctly jaundiced eye toward the news, and I can certainly empathize with that. But given things seem to be going in the opposite direction culturally, with people advertising the abandonment of their faith, I thought, maybe I should give Kanye the benefit of the doubt.


Creation and the Justified Confidence we can Build In our Children an Enduring Faith

Creation and the Justified Confidence we can Build In our Children an Enduring Faith

My youngest, our 17 year-old son, came to me the other day and said I had to watch the beginning of this short video:

The mechanism that allows human beings to hear is insanely complex. Either we are incredibly lucky, or that mechanism was created by an all powerful, all creative, all intelligent divine being. Can something so intricate that works as perfectly as does human hearing not be designed? Luck is a terrible explanation, as is an unguided process of natural selection and random mutation (Darwinism). The design inference (e.g., looking at human hearing and inferring a designer), is something I’ve used innumerable times with my children as they’ve grown up. It’s the reason my son would see this and instantly make the comparison: chance versus design? Luck versus God? I’ve programmed (we need to do this) my kids to see such things biblically, so of course they see God as the only plausible explanation, and chance as ridiculous, even ludicrous (more on this below).


“The Robe”: How the Gospel Message Spread, You Can Believe It!

“The Robe”: How the Gospel Message Spread, You Can Believe It!

In my previous post I wrote that the historical novel, The Robe, was the greatest historical novel ever written. I haven’t read every one, so this may be a bit of hyperbole, but author Lloyd C. Douglas makes a compelling case about how the spread of the gospel message is evidence for its truth. I explained that biblical critics claim that the gospel stories are akin to the telephone game where the initial events are distorted over time to become what we read today in our Bibles. My contention, and what is so expertly conveyed in The Robe, is that this is not at all how the message and events recorded in the gospels spread. In fact, distortion as critics claim was not possible given the events, the culture, and the nature of life lived at the time. Here are some reasons why. (more…)

“The Robe”: The Greatest Apologetic Historical Novel Ever!

“The Robe”: The Greatest Apologetic Historical Novel Ever!

If you’ve never heard of the The Robe (later made into a movie), I’m delighted you are now. The book played an important role in bringing me to Christ. My grandmother gave me a copy when I was 16, and it captivated me. I just finished reading it again for the fifth or sixth time, and I see again why. What captured my imagination all those years ago was the person of Jesus, and his influence on the people who encountered him. He turned them into better people! When I went to college my dorm room was next to a couple “born-again” Christians, and they asked me a question I had to answer yes to because I’d read The Robe: Would you like to see what the Bible says about who Jesus is? Despite being a bit creeped out by these fanatical Bible-thumpers, I couldn’t say no.


40 Days for Life: Don’t Eat the Babies, Save the Babies!!!

40 Days for Life: Don’t Eat the Babies, Save the Babies!!!

In case you are not aware where “Eat the babies” came from, watch this priceless satire of the leftists’ absurd obsession with “climate change”:

The woman was a plant at an AOC townhall, and she appears distraught at the “three months” we have before “climate change” doomsday is upon us. Every time I think of the phrase, “We need to eat the babies,” I laugh, and hearing her voice saying it makes me laugh all the more. The point, so artfully made, and to the oblivious crowd gathered in that room, is that human beings are not the cause of our supposedly impending climate catastrophe. If the “climate change” alarmists are right, then we are, and why not “eat the babies.”
