Feb 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Even Annie did not then know that it was the soul’s hunger, the vague sense of a need which nothing but the God of human faces can satisfy, that sent her money-loving, poverty-stricken, pining, grumbling old aunt out staring toward the east. It is this formless idea of something at hand that keeps men and women striving to tear from the bosom of the world the secret of their own hopes. How little they know that what they look for is in reality their God!
–George MacDonald, The Maiden’s Bequest
Feb 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
We sat in absolute silence then. I was stunned. I was, and I knew it, an ordinary person who long after he was grown retained the childhood assumption that the people who largely control our lives are somehow better informed than, and have judgment superior to, the rest of us; that they are more intelligent. Not until Vietnam did I finally realize that some of the most important decisions of all time can be made by men knowing really no more than, and who are not more intelligent than, most of the rest of us. That it was even possible that my own opinions and judgment could be as good as and maybe better than a politician’s who made a decision of profound consequence. Some of that childhood awe and acceptance of authority remained, and while I was sitting before Esterhazy’s desk–the room silent, everyone watching me, waiting–it seemed presumptuous that ordinary Simon Morely should question the judgment of this board. And of the men in Washington who agreed with it. Yet I knew I had to. And was going to.
–Jack Finney, Time and Again
Feb 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
Act One, Inc., exists to create a community of Christian professionals for the entertainment industry who are committed to artistry, professionalism, meaning, and prayer, so that through their lives and work they may be witnesses of Christ and the Truth to their fellow artists and to the global culture.
Graduates are prepared for careers marked by integrity and excellence, in writers’ rooms, on sets, and in studio and network offices.
- Artistry – Mastering the craft of storytelling to move audiences through the radiance, wholeness, and harmony of beauty.
- Professionalism – Exceeding the best practices of the industry in excellence, honesty, trustworthiness, hard work, and a “no excuses” mentality.
- Meaning – Telling stories of substance to beckon audiences toward truth, goodness, and even faith.
- Prayer – Sustaining a soul-nourishing spiritual journey of holiness and love made possible by individual and community prayer.
Feb 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
If you’ve been in a grocery store recently or anywhere magazines are displayed, not to mention the internet, you can’t help but know that Olympian Bruce Jenner has decided to become a woman. It is inconceivable that such words would ever be written, but alas that is where we are in 21st Century America; men and women can decide they no longer want to be the sex they were born, and they are cheered by our cultural elite. However, when it comes to so called sexual orientation, these same people say that simply cannot be changed, and to say that it can be changed is sheer bigotry. And we know how modern America treats bigots. (more…)
Feb 18, 2015 | Uncategorized
It is one thing to argue that our rights are not God-given and that the Declaration, the founders, Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and so many other great documents and figures in American history were wrong to claim they were. Those who hold this view, of course, need to explain the basis for believing in and protecting unalienable rights and human dignity if they are not grounded in “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Absent a Creator, what is the argument against capriciousness, injustice, and tyranny? How does one create a system of justice and make the case against, say, slavery, if you begin with two propositions: one, the universe was created by chance; and two, it will end in nothing? How do you derive a belief in a moral law that is binding on you and others apart from theism? How do you get from the “is” to the “ought”?
— Peter Wehner, “God, Our Rights, and the Modern Liberal Mind”
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