We find ourselves in a pivotal era filled with defining moments and global shifts. What’s the significance of it all? While many perceive doom and gloom, Going Back to Find The Way Forward argues that these times are not only clarifying but also immensely hopeful.
To truly grasp the promise ahead, we must unravel the threads of our past, uncovering the hidden opportunities that surround us. It may seem paradoxical, but amidst the apparent chaos, there’s a silver lining waiting to be seized.
The metaphorical red pill, a ubiquitous symbol, has awakened millions to truths previously obscured. Enter Donald Trump, the relentless dispenser of this awakening. As truths come to light, the enemies of honesty are unmasked, marking the onset of another Great Awakening. Similar to the historical event that birthed America, our contemporary awakening fuels a renewed confidence in the possibility of a re-founded nation.
In this book everyone who loves truth and America will find one man’s take on the requirements for true human flourishing, and liberty and justice for all.
It is available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook formats (Amazon, Audible, and iTunes).
Dr. Steve Turley, (Ph.D., Durham University) is an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and host of a YouTube channel wth 1.25 million subscribers. Dr. Turley is the author of over 20 books, including The Return of Christendom: Demography, Politics, and the Coming Christian Majority, The New Nationalism: How the Populist Right is Defeating Globalism and Awakening a New Political Order, and Classical vs. Modern Education: A Vision from C.S. Lewis, and as you can see, a man after my own heart. I was able to score a brief interview and talk about my fourth book, Going Back to Find the Way Forward, and to discuss our shared vision of Making America Christian Again!
The Based Boomer Podcast on Eschatology Matters
I’ve been thinking about the necessity of a podcast for some time because in the Internet age, building a platform online is required for getting your work noticed and taken seriously. I call it the Gutenberg Press of the 21st Century, and its reach is awesome.
As I explain in the pilot episode above, I’ve been wrestling with taking the plunge and doing a podcast because I don’t have the time or expertise to do one, but that decision seemed to be made for me. Out of the blue someone from one of my favorite channels on YouTube, Eschatology Matters, approached me with the opportunity to do this podcast, and saying no wasn’t an option.
The reason I love the channel is because eschatology matters a lot, something I didn’t believe for most of my Christian life. Now, ironically, I’m part of a channel with that name. My content will be for members only, but it’s only a few bucks a month, which is a bargain for unique content that engages the challenges of a 21st century post-Christian culture from a solid Christian worldview.
I hope you enjoy the pilot episode and join the great conversations.

Best Selling Author
Mike D’Virgilio
Thank you for visiting my website. For background, I grew up Catholic, for which I am grateful, as it prepared me to receive the truth of God’s word when it was presented to me from a Protestant perspective. Growing up in the Los Angeles area, I went to Arizona State University in 1978, and moved into a dorm room next to two Jesus freaks, as I thought of them at the time. They invited me to a Bible study by asking if I would like to learn what the Bible had to say about who Jesus is.
Because of several things that happened throughout my teenage years (without getting into how God had prepared me for that moment), that was the perfect question to ask me. Despite having gone to church every Sunday for as long as I can remember, hearing readings from and sermons on Scripture, Jesus was an enigmatic figure to me. For whatever reason (and I do not blame the Catholic church or the church we attended), I had not up to that time been given ears to hear or eyes to see. The seeds of God, however, had been adroitly planted by the Holy Spirit in my soul throughout my young life.
The books or music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust them; it was not in them, it only came through them, and what came through them was longing . . . Do what we will, then, we remain conscious of a desire which no natural happiness will satisfy.
– CS Lewis, The Weight of Glory
Speaking Engagements
Mike is available for book reviews, speaking, and media requests, or to answer any question related to Christianity, parenting, apologetics, or anything else for that matter.