If We Want to Win the Culture War, Have More Kids!

If We Want to Win the Culture War, Have More Kids!

It’s kind of apparent that we are in a culture war. Make no mistake, conservative Christians didn’t start it, but we can’t escape it. Christianity had a great run in Western civilization as the default view of reality, over 1,500 years! That, of course, is no longer the case. The breakdown started a long time ago, arguably by the 1,600s, and Christianity ever since slowly, imperceptibly at first, lost influence and authority in the West. Even into the mid-20th century there was a thin veneer of christian influence in American culture, but that ended with what we’ve come to call The 60s. With the rise of the sexual revolution, the assault on all things Christian broke out into the open. The deconstructing of the family became job one of the secularists, and sadly many Christians have gone along for the ride. (more…)

A COVID-19 Object Lesson: “You Will Be Like God …”

A COVID-19 Object Lesson: “You Will Be Like God …”

As distressing as this over-hyped COVID-19 pandemic has been (a real threat to only a very definable fraction of 1% of the population), there have been some silver linings. One is that I’m questioning things I would have never questioned pre-COVID, and that’s a very good thing. Many of those questions are directed at modern medicine, and medical establishment, which has become for me a quintessential living example of the fall of man described in Genesis 3. Satan’s temptation to Eve was simple: God is a liar, and if you eat of the tree “your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” With one bite we became beings who think we get to determine our own reality, a very God-like capability. The problem, of course, is that Satan is a liar. The bigger problem,is that people believe him, just as Eve did. (more…)

As Our Son (Doesn’t) Goes Off to College, I Am Confident his Faith will Endure and Thrive

As Our Son (Doesn’t) Goes Off to College, I Am Confident his Faith will Endure and Thrive

I’d been waiting to write a post about our youngest son going off to college, but because of a ridiculous overreaction to a certain virus he’s not going. Instead he’s taking a couple classes online from where he was supposed to go, Florida International University, and a few from the local community college, also online. For someone who’s majoring in music this whole online thing can only go so far. My principle contention still holds, though. He is now in college, will be getting the same vacuous secular drivel as he would if he were there, and his faith will indeed endure and thrive. Having written a book on building an enduring faith in our children, I’ve encountered Christians who think having such confidence is not warranted. As you can guess, I disagree. (more…)