
Recent Articles

Why Eschatology Matters

Why Eschatology Matters

If you had asked me for most of my Christian life if eschatology mattered I would have said no, not at all. I was a committed eschatological Agnostic. It was a waste of time, speculation heaped upon speculation about verses in the Bible that seemed to have a variety...

To a Thousand Generations: The Triumph of the Covenant

To a Thousand Generations: The Triumph of the Covenant

I was born and raised a Catholic which was my religious life until I went away to college at 18 and was born-again into an Evangelical and Protestant faith that bore little resemblance to Catholicism. The primary reason I embraced this new version of Christianity was...

Articles on Theology

To a Thousand Generations: The Triumph of the Covenant

To a Thousand Generations: The Triumph of the Covenant

I was born and raised a Catholic which was my religious life until I went away to college at 18 and was born-again into an Evangelical and Protestant faith that bore little resemblance to Catholicism. The primary reason I embraced this new version of Christianity was...

Evangelicals and Their Ambivalence to God’s Law

Evangelicals and Their Ambivalence to God’s Law

I’m currently reading Greg Bahsen’s Theonomy in Christian Ethics, an extensive study about God’s law (theos-nomos) as it applies to ethics, the study of the principles of right and wrong conduct. We Evangelicals tend to have a love/hate relationship to God’s law. On...

Articles on Explanatory Power

On Never Tiring of the Moon

On Never Tiring of the Moon

During the most recent full moon, and the nights around it, as I gazed upon its never-ending beauty a thought kept coming to mind: why do we never tire of looking at the moon? Why is it we marvel at its beauty, find it mysterious, and awe inspiring, in the literal...

Articles on Culture

Evil and the Death of Secularism

Evil and the Death of Secularism

In a comment on Facebook recently I said, “Secularism is dead,” and I got this not unreasonable response: Not sure why secularism is dead, but post-modern thinking and critical theory are alive and well. Looked at as a snapshot of the current historical moment, of...

Secularism and Pietism: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Secularism and Pietism: Two Sides of the Same Coin

As I’ve been thinking and reading about Christ’s reign being extended throughout the world and God’s kingdom advancing, I’ve realized that secularism and Pietism are two sides of the same coin. That might seem strange given the former is completely anti-religion and...

Articles on Apologetics

The Apostles Turning the World Upside Down-Today!

The Apostles Turning the World Upside Down-Today!

Reading through Acts is an incredible apologetics experience. I once heard an ex-atheist interviewed on the Side B Stories podcast say it was reading through Acts that brought him to faith. He said there was no way it could be made up, and of course I agree! One of my...

Articles on Parenting and Family

The Therapeutic Nation: It’s All About Parents

The Therapeutic Nation: It’s All About Parents

I promote my books as much as I can because I’m a nobody with no platform to speak of, so if I don’t do it, no one else will. Yes, I know, ontologically before God I am not a “nobody,” but you know what I mean.  Getting attention without “a name” isn’t easy. I feel...

Christianity and Our Generational Faith

Christianity and Our Generational Faith

Even as a young man without children at the time, one of the things that attracted me to Reformed theology was that it was specifically a generational faith. For the first five years of my Christian life I was by default a Baptist, as are most Evangelical or...