The Glories of Modern Liberalism

APTOPIX-White-Sox-Ori_Semp11-1024x681After more than a hundred years of progressivism, it has come to this: public officials in Baltimore are so afraid of their own citizens because of the recent riots that they forced Major League Baseball to hold a game in a completely empty stadium. Bill Plaschke, a sportswriter at the LA Times put it like this:

Fans were barred from the game because officials feared for their safety in the wake of Baltimore-area riots in protest over the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African American man who died in police custody. While barring the gates at potentially dangerous games occasionally occurs at hooligan-plagued soccer stadiums around the world, it was the first time that fans have been locked out of an American professional sports event. This resulted in the smallest crowd in major league baseball history — zero in paid attendance — and also surely one of its lowest moments.


Quote of the Day

I believe that marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman. [It’s a] fundamental bedrock principle that exists between a man and a woman, going back into the mists of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults.

–Hillary Clinton, “Like the President and Hillary, My Views on Marriage Have Evolved”

Hubble and the Glory of God

HubbleMan is a worshiping animal. And since this is 2015 I have to point out the “man” includes woman (male and female he created them, Gen. 1:27). If we don’t worship the true and living God, we will worship something else; as Calvin says, the human heart is an idol making factory. We modern people are much more creative, and so much more sophisticated than the ancients who worshiped animals and such carved in stone or wood. For us it’s money or a career, or family, or power, or sex, or sports teams, or health, or looks, or lovers, or almost ad infinitum. As God through Elijah demonstrates with the prophets of Baal, idols and false gods do not deliver.


Quote of the Day

Christian conservatives have barely begun to fight. Christians, following the examples of the Apostles, should never retreat from the public square. They must leave only when quite literally forced out, after expending every legal bullet, availing themselves of every right of protest, and after exhausting themselves in civil disobedience. Have cultural conservatives spent half the energy on defense that the Left has spent on the attack?

–David French, “Cultural Conservatives Have Barely Begun to Fight”

Quote of the Day

When a school learns that one of its alums has achieved great things, the institution will usually seek to promote those accomplishments. But there are exceptions. If it’s discovered, for example, that the former student also happens to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan, or a neo-Nazi, or a convicted felon, then the school will naturally seek to downplay the connection — and to sever any explicit ties between them. To this list of offenses — normally reserved only for bigots and criminals — we can now apparently add opposing same-sex marriage.

–Damon Linker, “The shunning of Ryan T. Anderson: When support for gay marriage gets ugly”