Articles on Apologetics

Nietzsche and Why It’s OK to Eat Your Neighbor

Nietzsche and Why It’s OK to Eat Your Neighbor

I bet you never thought cannibalism and Nietzsche would go together, but they do, quite nicely. I might never have put those two together, but I heard Gary DeMar discuss his book, Why It Might Be OK to Eat Your Neighbor, on his podcast. This subtitle gives us the...

The Apostles Turning the World Upside Down-Today!

The Apostles Turning the World Upside Down-Today!

Reading through Acts is an incredible apologetics experience. I once heard an ex-atheist interviewed on the Side B Stories podcast say it was reading through Acts that brought him to faith. He said there was no way it could be made up, and of course I agree! One of my...

Uninvented: Jonah Had to be Real, Big Fish and All

Uninvented: Jonah Had to be Real, Big Fish and All

If there is one book in the Bible that really gives the doubting Thomas’s among us fits it’s Jonah, the reluctant prophet. It wouldn’t be so hard to swallow, pun intended, if it wasn’t for putting that silly big fish in the story, but more of that below. As for the...

The Resurrection is the Only Explanation for Christianity

The Resurrection is the Only Explanation for Christianity

This weekend we celebrate what we’ve come to call Easter, but what is in fact the celebration of the death and resurrection of the Savior of the world, who has been saving His people from their sin (Matt. 1:21) since he rose from the dead. When we come to that claim...

Take Two on My Encounter with The Rationalist: Evidence

Take Two on My Encounter with The Rationalist: Evidence

In a previous post I discussed my two-and-a-half-hour grilling at the hand of a quintessential rationalist. One thing especially stood out to me was how The Rationalist used evidence as a weapon against me by discounting anything that I claimed was evidence. Only what...

My Interesting Encounter with The Rationalist

My Interesting Encounter with The Rationalist

I say The Rationalist not because there is one such person in the world, but because the person I encountered is the quintessential rationalist. There is a lot I want to unpack here and get off my chest so this may take several posts; we’ll see. Before I get to what a...

Uninvented on The Unbelievable Podcast with Justin Brierly

Uninvented on The Unbelievable Podcast with Justin Brierly

As promised . . . . I had the incredible privilige of appearing on two popular British apologetics podcasts in one week! And Unbeliebale is the longest running apologetics podcast in existence. I would love to see what everybody thinks about which perspective is more...

Psalm 127: Unless the Lord Builds The house . . . .

Psalm 127: Unless the Lord Builds The house . . . .

When I wrote my first book, The Persuasive Christian Parent, this short Psalm by Solomon was an inspiration, especially the first verse: Unless the Lord builds the house,the builders labor in vain.Unless the Lord watches over the city,the guards stand watch in vain....

What a Book Review! I Think She Liked It

What a Book Review! I Think She Liked It

Given I'm not a "somebody" with a big "platform," getting book reviews is not easy. I finally did get one, and it was at a site that was instrumental in my journey back into apologetics, Apologetics315. It was worth the wait. The author's final words are most...

God’s Amazing Goodness and My Apologetics315 Interview

God’s Amazing Goodness and My Apologetics315 Interview

I had an interview recently about my book with a website that has special meaning in my Christian journey,  Apologetics315. God, as he often does with his children, made this uniquely special for me as I'll explain. When I became a Christian at Arizona State...

The Human Brain: Praise Chance!

The Human Brain: Praise Chance!

Reading through Denton's book is a mind blower. As I'm reading I keep thinking, I have to quote and write about this, then that, then this, then that, but when I got to his discussion of the human brain it was just too much. The complexity is staggering. To think that...

Is Ravi Really With Jesus?

Is Ravi Really With Jesus?

What? Don't I believe that Ravi Zacharias was saved? That when he died recently he went directly to heaven, to meet the Savior he so boldly proclaimed all over the world for 57 years? Of course I believe that, absolutely! What I mean by that question, or want to...

The Wind, Its Effects, and the Invisible Apologetic

The Wind, Its Effects, and the Invisible Apologetic

I was praying recently, and said something to God like, it's difficult to believe what we can't see, but . . . . I can't help but believe it! And for many of the reasons I argue here. Then something different came to mind, an apologetic I don't believe I have ever...

Miracle Stories in The Gospels Reveal their Historicity

Miracle Stories in The Gospels Reveal their Historicity

Critics and skeptics of the Bible think that the miracle stories in the gospels are what make them so hard to believe as history. Just the opposite is the truth. In fact, the way the stories are portrayed, and that they happened at all, are evidence for their...

The Bible is an Historical Book, Not a Religious One!

The Bible is an Historical Book, Not a Religious One!

I can't tell you how many moronic, absolutist, immature, know-it-all atheists I've come across in online comments sections who declare with absolute certitude that the Bible is all myths and fairy tales, full of metaphorical unicorns and other such unbelievable...

Josephus and the Historical Credibility of the Bible

Josephus and the Historical Credibility of the Bible

Not many Christians are familiar with first century Jewish historian Josephus, which is unfortunate. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (the latter rejected purely out of anti-supernatural bias) are the most well-attested facts in all of ancient history. But...

Where Did The Idea of a Personal, Creator God Come From?

Where Did The Idea of a Personal, Creator God Come From?

Being a person of extreme apologetic bent, I'm always looking to validate Christian truth claims. Apologetics is critical in a Western culture drenched in secularism, where most people fit into one of the Triple A categories: Atheist, Agnostic, or Apathetic. For them...

Would David Hume Come to the Same Conclusions Today?

Would David Hume Come to the Same Conclusions Today?

I've been slowly reading through Frederick Copleston's A History of Philosophy, and having recently finished the section on the great Scottish skeptic David Hume, I got to wondering if Hume might come to the same conclusions today. An impossible question to answer, no...

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: Can We Trust the Gospels?

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: Can We Trust the Gospels?

I'm listening to a wonderful series of lectures by pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California, Kim Riddlebarger called "Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age." He argues, persuasively, that the central fact of the apologetics enterprise is the resurrection....

Telos: The Secularists’ Worst Nightmare

Telos: The Secularists’ Worst Nightmare

Back in 1968 as the sexual revolution was raging, Pope Paul VI wrote a profoundly counter-cultural encyclical called Humanae Vitae. One of the things that made it so profound (and something completely missed by the Evangelical leaders of the day) was its appeal to...

Secularism: To Believe Otherwise

Secularism: To Believe Otherwise

That we live in a secular age there can be no doubt. I've attacked secularism as a paper tiger (actually, Berlin Wall) in a number of posts, which is why I looked forward to reading James K.A. Smith's How (Not) To be Secular. (It's a book about a book, Charles...

Did a Dead Guy Really Come Back to Life 2000 Years Ago?

Did a Dead Guy Really Come Back to Life 2000 Years Ago?

The whole of Christianity and it's validity rests on one simple historical event that we celebrate this Easter weekend, that Jesus of Nazareth was killed and came back to life. As I immersed myself back into apologetics over that last eight or so years, I've learned...

The Logic of Atheism Drove This Scholar to Jesus

The Logic of Atheism Drove This Scholar to Jesus

Logic is an amazing feature of the universe God created, but one that is unfortunately often ignored. It is no longer taught in public schools, which is obvious from the tenor of public debates over politics and religion. And those of us who attend weekly worship...

Is It Wrong to Torture Babies for Fun?

Is It Wrong to Torture Babies for Fun?

I can imagine you thinking at this moment, What kind of person would ask such a stupid question! Hang with me, and you'll realize it's not such a stupid question after all.   In my previous post I shared an Alice in Wonderland adventure I had with a...

What and Why is This Thing Called Death

What and Why is This Thing Called Death

In my previous two posts I wrote about how death in a movie contributes to a secular plausibility structure, and how death lends more credibility to Christianity than atheism/materialism. In this post I want to explain what death is from a Christian perspective, and...

Are The Gospels Historically Reliable?

Came across this piece today, "A Christmas question: Are the Gospels more reliable than scholars once thought?" And the answer is a resounding yes! The Gospels, and the Bible in general, have been under attack since forever, but especially since German Higher...

Science is Becoming God’s Best Friend

We live in a secular age, at least in the West, in which the dominion of science for all the good it has done has essentially replaced God for many people who find religion untenable. If "Science" says it, people believe it, few questions asked. In a little discussion...

The Moral Argument for God’s Existence

Some time ago listening to an apologetics talk I heard something that was so obvious I wondered why I had never thought of it just that way before. I probably had to some degree, but it never made as much sense in the context of evidence for God's existence. The...

“Risen” Trailer Available

I learned about this movie called "Risen" coming out next spring, obviously around Easter. It looks very promising, with a big name lead, Joseph Fiennes, and obviously excellent production values. From the piece at Empire: Kevin Reynolds’ film, which he co-wrote with...

Notable Quotation

[M]oral relativism implies that neither cultures (if conventionalism is in view) nor individuals (if subjectivism is in view) can improve their moral code. The only thing they can do is change it. Why? Consider any change in code from believing, say, racism is right...