Tactics: Learning How Weak Christian Alternatives Are By Asking Questions

Tactics: Learning How Weak Christian Alternatives Are By Asking Questions

I just finished reading Tactics by Greg Koukl, and it’s a book that should be read by every Christian young person in our anti-Christian culture. I recently bought it for my kids, and myself, and it was better than I thought it would be, much better. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it’s tremendous. Koukl uses what he calls “The Columbo Method,” named for the 1970s series with Detective Columbo, Peter Falk, who had the effective habit of asking annoying questions to get to the truth. What Koukl shows us is that Christians don’t have to be on the defensive, but that we can put the challenges to Christianity, and those who make them, on the defensive. It’s clear that those challenges can’t be defended very well because they are so weak, and questions expose their weaknesses. The beauty of Tactics is that it demonstrates that we as Christians don’t always have to have all the answers. Any Christian can utilize these tactics regardless of the depth of their knowledge. Of course, more knowledge is better than less, and thus we need to do our homework, but the playing field can now essentially be leveled.


Now More than Ever: Recalibrate Your Reality

Now More than Ever: Recalibrate Your Reality

We live in very strange times, something I’m reminded of every time I go to the store and for some strange reason everyone is wearing masks, except me! I wonder if I’ve entered the Twilight Zone, but my family assures me this is very much reality. So more than ever I’m in need of recalibration. I came across this phrase, “recalibrate your reality,” while listening to an episode of White Horse Inn some time ago, and it stuck with me. To calibrate usually refers to some device that does measurements, and setting it up so it can measure accurately. Put an “re” before it, and it is now being fine tuned to measure more effectively. The gentleman being interviewed on the podcast said we spend most of the week living in what we think is THE reality, and the God stuff is part of THAT. But that has it exactly backward. The Sunday reality is THE reality, and the rest of our week is part of that. Our tendency is to fit God into our story, when what we should be doing is fitting our story into God’s. Big, huge, gargantuan difference! (more…)

A Dangerous Question: “I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow” by John Newton

A Dangerous Question: “I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow” by John Newton

One of the most important things to teach your children, and to remind them and yourself daily, is that life is hard. The root of anger, and bitterness, and frustration, and just an overall bad attitude, is to expect it not be hard, as if the difficulties in life are somehow just a bug and not a feature. In one of the great understatements of history, Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.”  Some translations use the word tribulations, and in the Greek it means,  properly, pressure (what constricts or rubs together), used of a narrow place that “hems someone in”; tribulation, especially internal pressure that causes someone to feel confined (restricted, “without options”). Yeah, that sums it up pretty well. God said to Adam and Eve that life in a fallen world would be full of painful toil by the sweat of our brow, with constant thorns and thistles. In other words, life is hard! For Christians, however, hard is good(more…)

C.S. Lewis Would Not Have Been Surprised by the Overreaction to COVID-19 In The Name of “Science”

C.S. Lewis Would Not Have Been Surprised by the Overreaction to COVID-19 In The Name of “Science”

You may have heard the term Scientism, which is treating science as something it was never intended to be, the only source of knowledge and insight into the true nature of reality. Actually science is much more humble than that; it knows it’s place, what it can and can’t do, should and should not do. Ever since the so-called Enlightenment, as Western intellectuals were turning away from religion, science slowly came to replace religion as man’s most reliable authority about the nature of reality. I came across a video from 2012 put out by the Discovery Institute called, “The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism.” It was being promoted at their website, Evolution News, with a title that instantly drew me in: “C. S. Lewis Foresaw Scientism’s Totalitarian Potential.” It is, of course, no coincidence that they are promoting the warnings of Lewis about the dangers of scientism at this point in time.

Watch the short documentary, and it will become quickly apparent how prophetic Lewis was about scientism in the age of COVID-19: