Articles on Parenting & Family

Make Patriarchy Great Again

Make Patriarchy Great Again

I recently read Masculine Christianity by Zachary M. Garris, and in many ways it’s an eye opener, but in many other ways it’s stuff I’ve accepted all my life. Growing up in a traditional Italian family, masculinity was not a problem, but men abusing their masculinity...

Should We Send Our Kids to Public Schools?

Should We Send Our Kids to Public Schools?

It has taken a while for Christians to see public schools in America as an existential threat to their children’s Christian faith. I saw one comment about this topic on Twitter which was the inspiration for this post. The guy said sending your kids to a public school...

The Therapeutic Nation: It’s All About Parents

The Therapeutic Nation: It’s All About Parents

I promote my books as much as I can because I’m a nobody with no platform to speak of, so if I don’t do it, no one else will. Yes, I know, ontologically before God I am not a “nobody,” but you know what I mean.  Getting attention without “a name” isn’t easy. I feel...

Christianity and Our Generational Faith

Christianity and Our Generational Faith

Even as a young man without children at the time, one of the things that attracted me to Reformed theology was that it was specifically a generational faith. For the first five years of my Christian life I was by default a Baptist, as are most Evangelical or...

Education and the Myth of Neutrality

Education and the Myth of Neutrality

I use the phrase, “the myth of neutrality” here from time to time when addressing issues related to culture and politics. It also very much has to do with how we educate our children in America. This myth is the fruit of the secularism bequeathed to us by the...

Wisdom on Marriage from Luther and Mangalwadi

Wisdom on Marriage from Luther and Mangalwadi

Having officially been married to my wife Sarah for 36 years on August 15, I think I know a thing or two about the institution, and when I read the thoughts on marriage by these two men of God they instantly become fodder for a blog post. It so happens when I went to...

My Post-Mill Conference Experience and the Children

My Post-Mill Conference Experience and the Children

If you had told me a year ago that I would be attending a conference on Theonomy & Postmillennialism I would have told you to say no to drugs. But there I was in Georgetown, Texas last weekend with about 500 other people who seem to also have drunk the post-mill...

Our Granddaughter Eleanor Geline Lewis Was Baptized Today!

Our Granddaughter Eleanor Geline Lewis Was Baptized Today!

When I was born-again a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, by default I became a baptist. I was born and raised a Catholic and so baptized as an infant, but born-agains don’t do infant baptism, so I got re-baptized. It made sense to me at the time because...

The Beginning of Christian Nationalism: The Family

The Beginning of Christian Nationalism: The Family

Christians throughout history have had different ways of contending with this fallen world. On one end of the spectrum, you might have monks who completely isolate themselves from the world, while on the other millenarian apocalyptic fanatics who mean to usher in the...

Another Berlin Wall Falls: Roe v. Wade Overturned

Another Berlin Wall Falls: Roe v. Wade Overturned

It looks like we’ve had another Berlin Wall moment in Western culture with the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade yesterday in its Dobbs v. Jackson decision. In the 1980s there were very few people who took Ronald Reagan’s words to tear down the Wall...

And They Said It Wouldn’t Last: Happy 34th To My Bride!

And They Said It Wouldn’t Last: Happy 34th To My Bride!

Instead of giving my wife flowers or taking her out to a nice dinner for this the 34th anniversary of our marriage, I thought I'd give her a blog post. It's easier, and less expensive. Not to mention that it will last longer. It's this kind of thoughtfulness that has...

Marx is Smiling: On The Importance of Fathers

Marx is Smiling: On The Importance of Fathers

Somebody told me there is this thing called Father's Day, and I couldn't believe I actually get my own day! If greeting card companies were going to make up a day in which to sell a lot of greeting cards, having a day for fathers is a mighty fine way to do it. They...

Act Like Men! It’s Right from the Bible

Act Like Men! It’s Right from the Bible

We know in this excessively "woke" age we live in that the Bible is terribly regressive, and of course we Neanderthal's wouldn't have it any other way. One thing we know that our overly-educated elite refuse to admit, is that there is a biological, psychological, and...

A Response to The Misunderstanding of My Critics, Part 3

This will be my final word in writing about the issues introduced on my book page, and discussed on Take 1, and Take 2. I'm kind of proud that I've been able to get Calvinists and Arminians to agree about something regarding salvation. In my experience discussing...

A Response to The Misunderstanding of My Critics, Part 2

In my first post I addressed part of this misunderstanding, that "there is absolutely no correlation between faithful (or reasonably faithful) work in this with the outcome of personal faith." The "work" is a reference to raising our children in the faith. The concern...

If We Want to Win the Culture War, Have More Kids!

If We Want to Win the Culture War, Have More Kids!

It's kind of apparent that we are in a culture war. Make no mistake, conservative Christians didn't start it, but we can't escape it. Christianity had a great run in Western civilization as the default view of reality, over 1,500 years! That, of course, is no longer...

Religious Parenting Best Practices: What About Truth?

Religious Parenting Best Practices: What About Truth?

I recently came across an article at The Public Discourse called "The Best Practices—and Benefits—of Religious Parenting." Given I have some interest in the topic, I was curious to see what these best practices might be. We learn that religion in general has positive...

A New Guitar, and Why My Son Knows God is Real

A New Guitar, and Why My Son Knows God is Real

One of the easiest ways to persuade our children that God is real is the evidence of his incredible, amazing, mind-blowing design in nature. Paul tells us in Romans 1 that "God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being...

No Christian Young People, Sex Before Marriage it NOT Okay

No Christian Young People, Sex Before Marriage it NOT Okay

I had an experience recently with a Christian young man who shall remain nameless, and it inspired a blog post. He looked me in the eye (which I respected) and told me that it's okay for Christians to have sex before marriage. I was taken aback, and asked him why he...

“The Gift of Children”: Children are Not a Choice!

“The Gift of Children”: Children are Not a Choice!

It probably won't be a surprise to anyone that an author of a book on parenting is a big fan of kids, and of families having lots of them, especially Christian families. As we drove up to our church on Sunday, a young family got out of a car in front of us, and they...

Another Way to Look at The Bullies In Our Lives

Another Way to Look at The Bullies In Our Lives

Nobody likes a bully. I had my fair share growing up, and would much prefer life without them. The problem is that there can be no life without bullies because we live in a fallen world in a fallen body among fallen, sinful people. On this side of eternity, there will...

Joshua Harris: You Can’t Escape The Fall

Joshua Harris: You Can’t Escape The Fall

A lot of Internet ink has been spilled about author/pastor, Joshua Harris, so I figured I might as well add to the torrent. And given my bent, I'll orient it toward apologetics. Harris recently decided to jettison the ideas in a book he wrote about sexual purity and...

The Cure for Loneliness: “Be Fruitful And Multiply”

The Cure for Loneliness: “Be Fruitful And Multiply”

When God created the universe and put this little ball in space in the metaphorical middle of it, he created these things, us, we call human beings. After he created man, "male and female he created them," we read: God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and...

The Wedding Supper of the Lamb, and My Daughter’s Wedding

The Wedding Supper of the Lamb, and My Daughter’s Wedding

We had the incredible privilege last weekend of enduring the traumatic experience of hosting our daughter's wedding. Until one actually does such a thing, you have no idea the insanity of such an undertaking, but the blessings and memories among the all the craziness...

Toxic Masculinity: Teaching Your Boys To Become Men

Toxic Masculinity: Teaching Your Boys To Become Men

All the secular left-wing isms of our day (feminism, progressivism, liberalism, cultural Marxism, secularism, etc.) have culminated in a phrase so oxymoronic it must have been invented by Satan himself: "toxic masculinity." To be masculine in the fevered, relativistic...

Christians: Have more kids!!!

Christians: Have more kids!!!

When I saw the announcement of our latest Supreme Court Justice nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, I couldn't help notice that this practicing Catholic family had only two kids, daughters. As precious and cute as they were, I wondered why only two. Not too many years past,...

Christians: Having Children Is Not an Option

Christians: Having Children Is Not an Option

No, I haven't turned into a Catholic, but Catholic teaching regarding having children is something Evangelicals should embrace. I thought of this when I read a piece recently by John Stonestreet at Breakpoint: "Fur Babies:Pets, Children, and the Triumph of...

The Importance of the Family Mirrored in the Trinity

The Importance of the Family Mirrored in the Trinity

Since the Enlightenment and the drive by Western cultural elites to make secularism the default plausibility structure of reality, the family has been under attack. It may not have appeared this way to the average mom and dad in the street until the 1960s, but many...

Musician Sir the Baptist: I’m Anti-Religion, Not Anti-God

Musician Sir the Baptist: I’m Anti-Religion, Not Anti-God

There is much talk in American culture about young Christians going off to college or into life and abandoning their faith. I'm sure there are many reasons why this is so, but I think one consistent reason is that teenagers see their parents and people in church live...

Polyamory for All!

The gay "marriage" ruling, the gift that keeps on giving. As one headline read: "‘Sister Wives’ family points to same-sex marriage cases in arguing against Utah polygamy ban."  Of course they would, and they would be perfectly logical to do so. In fact, the Obergefell...

Notable Quotation

We are relearning that marriage is not optional. The evidence started piling up in 1965 with Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report on the breakdown of the African-American family. In 2012, Charles Murray took us on a walk through Fishtown where we met a white (often...