May 25, 2019 | Culture
Having grown up in the 1960s I became a Beatles fan at a very early age. I’ll never forget when my dad took me to the iconic Capitol Records building in LA when I was all of five-years-old, and I purchased my very first Beatles record, Meet the Beatles. Although there was no shouting and screaming like the teenage girls, I was a Beatles fanatic through my teenage years. So anything Beatles is nostalgia for me, and this latest documentary on one of the Fab Four I caught on Netflix was a trip down memory lane. It was also an opportunity to teach my 17 year-old musical fanatic son about truth and worldview and the implications of ideas. Not to mention the evanescence of life. Many of the people who show up in the documentary (c. 1970) are long dead, John himself, tragically gunned down in front of his apartment on December 8, 1980. My wife asked a great rhetorical question as we talked about that sad event: “Who would kill a Beatle!” Indeed! But that question reveals a stark irony in the heady days of Lennon recording the iconic album Imagine. (more…)
May 11, 2019 | Culture, Epistemology - Trust
I was recently listening to the late great R.C. Sproul talk about a very large problem for atheists (agnostics as well because they are practical atheists). Since atheists are materialists (the material is all that exists, there is no God or spiritual reality), they must argue that meaning is possible in a purely material universe. The way Dr. Sproul put it is that atheists claim we spring from a meaning-less universe, and we are hurling toward a meaning-less oblivion, and he asks, can it be possible to find true meaning between these poles of meaning-lessness? Good question. The atheists answers blithely, of course we can! Not so quick.
May 6, 2019 | Apologetics
Raising children, even for my wife and I in the late stages in which we find ourselves with the youngest of our three at 17, offers a plethora (love that word) of opportunities to bring the reality of God into their lives. Christian parents in a secular culture hostile to all things Christian must understand this is a full time job. Fortunately, the opportunities are never ending because so is our God! He is, after all, the Creator of all things, and therein lies a multitude of opportunities. Having a music obsessed son offers many of those in our house.
May 2, 2019 | Explanatory Power
I often visit the Evolution News website because as a Christian the most obvious thing in the world to me is that the universe and everything in it had a Creator and cannot be a product of random chance. (The site is a great repository of information from the Intelligent Design movement.) In fact, whenever I wonder if this whole Christian thing I and my family have staked our lives on could actually be true, and that we will live forever in paradise with this Creator, I simply look outside, or at my hand, or our cats, and think, “There is absolutely no way this is all a product of random chance!” Because, my friend, if the materialists (the material is all that there is) have it right, that is exactly what it would have to be. I know that if Christianity isn’t true, then something else has to be, and in the 21st century secular West, the only alternative is materialist atheism (the only other alternative other than materialism is pantheism, and that is even less plausible than atheism if that were even possible).
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