Why I Am A Paedobaptist, or Why We Baptize Children
Whenever I have put the word paedobaptist in Google, the first article linked is “Why I Am Not a Paedobaptist” by Tim Challies. One day maybe my little post here will come up high on such a search so people interested in the subject can get a competing argument, unless the folks at Google are against the baptizing of cute little babies.
In case you are not familiar with the term paedobaptist (in Greek, παιδί-paidí-means child), it means those who baptize infants, as opposed to believers baptism, i.e., baptizing someone on the basis of their decision to believe in Jesus. To many Evangelicals, baptizing babies seems positively Roman, as in Catholic—and counter intuitive. The typical response of most Evangelicals is, in incredulous tones, why, a baby can’t make a decision for Jesus! As if the central meaning of baptism is our choice. I know it’s practically heresy today to claim otherwise, but that is exactly what I’m doing.
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