The Doctrine of the Incomprehensibility of God: Live It, Learn It, Love It!

It should be obvious that God is by definition incomprehensible, yet human beings, you and me included, somehow think we can comprehend him. This happens in subtle and not so subtle ways, but the pretension is the same. Somehow we think that our finite brains are capable of understanding the being of God, his ontology, the knowing of God, his epistemology, and his working, the how and why of it, both in creation and redemption (or re-creation). The ontological argument for God’s existence states that “God is a being than which no greater can be conceived.” Exactly. If we could conceive of anything greater he would not be God, he would be a figment of our imagination. Unfortunately, as sinners we are really good at creating a God that is a figment of our imagination. It just never bears any resemblance to the God who is actually there. (more…)